Bluprint is an initiative organization with an altruistic motive.
Located in the suburban regions of Athens, Greece, BluPrint is an initiative supported by the Greek Evangelical Church of Glyfada. We provide one to one mentoring, training, consulting, and networking events to all the people of Athens.
BluPrint operates within a holistic framework that includes evaluating, growing, and provide knowledge and tools that make your business fruitful. The service provided are:
We connect entrepreneurs with a successful innovator who helps one achieve their goals. A relationship of trust and confidentiality builds, in which the mentor can share the wisdom from their own business journey.
We will offer consultants that will be specialists in different areas of business. This service will maintain our relationships with those who achieve funding and offer local business owners help to grow their company.
Periodic events aim to sharpen skills in order to help individuals to mature and prosper. Attendees will network and find motivation to excel.
We operate within a holistic framework that includes evaluating, growing, and provide knowledge and tools that makes your business fruitful.
Our networking community provides opportunities to meet people in a variety of industries.
For more information, visit bluprintathens.com